Friday, February 14, 2014

Platypus | Process Stages

Here's my Platypus comic in the various stages its undergone since the beginning.  I'm focusing on one page for now (page 4), to make it easier to see.
 I started off with tiny thumbnails on sticky notes pasted into a sketchbook originally, and then once I was settled on this design, I drew the image onto a 11x17 inch of Bristol.  This is the final layout of this page, but if you look closely, you can probably see the remnants of the four or five different versions this page went through.

 This page gave me so much trouble that I actually scanned it in and played with it in Photoshop, so that I could be sure the layout was reading well.

Then finally, once my drawings were correct on the Bristol, I taped the Bristol to the back of a sheet of watercolor paper and traced the drawing on a light table.  This run over I added all the texture and detail, and it allowed my drawing to be crisp and clean as all the back drawing was on the bristol and not my final piece.

And finally, I have started to add the color.  This piece is ultimately going to be a mixture of colored pencil and watercolor.  The layers being: pencil - colored pencil -watercolor paint - then another layer of the colored pencil.  I've never done anything like this, so the experimenting will be fun!

Some more pages with the first layer of the characters colored.

And the first page of the comic before and after the colored pencil was added over the watercolor.  I colored this one last semester before I had decided to use colored pencil as well.

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