Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Witch and The Raven (Illustration #1)

I have graduated! Yay! And now I want to start a web comic... But first I am going to be making a bunch of illustrations and character studies to kind of figure out the style and process I want to work in.  And also it is a fun way to kind of introduce and work out the characters, I think.  :)

I am really excited, because now that I don't have to worry about school deadlines, I can make my art as detailed as I want(as I am really really slow)!  And I get to play with the sketchy, loose style I really enjoy drawing and I get to add color too! :D  Seriously I am quite excited.  And hopefully as I make more I will at least get a little bit faster.

This picture I have finished just in time to put a couple prints into the MCAD Art Sale.  It was first drawn with just my good old mechanical pencil on my favorite brown sketch book paper, and then digitally painted using Manga Studio.  I am fairly new to the program (this is the 2nd time I've used it), but I am pleased with the work I've done I think!

Below I'll have some process pictures from the drawing portion.  The digital painting portion was such an experimental process that I forgot to document it.

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